This is a partial list of people that have contributed with sourcecode, music, artwork, levels or just general aid to the trackballs package. For further details see the file AUTHORS.
- Mathias Broxvall
- Dietrich Radel
- Yannick Perret
- Samuel
- Listopad
- Ari Pollak
- Francesco Guatieri
- Guillaume Bedot
- Jozef Riha
- Marco Göbel
- Attila Boros
- Benoit Rouits
- Joshua Harding
- Warren D. Ober
There are still many things that can be improved in the game and if you have some new levels or general improvents please don't hesitate to contact me at the address below.
TrackballsMathias Broxvall - mathias.broxvall at gmail.com
Last modified (none)